Setting new standards of Service, Quality, Innovation and Affordability.




Work taken up includes

  • Provision of telecom arrangements
  • Signaling and electrification of Railway Yards
  • Cutting of trench across metal road / platform
  • Survey, fixing of alignment
Bujanga BuildCon Infra Railways Project
  • Bridges (Major/Minor) for Rail/Road
  • Erection of color light signal & wiring
  • General Electrification of Railway works
  • Maintenance of railroads
  • Supplying of pvc pipes, cabinet speakers, locks, Ethernet cables etc.


Our company is associated with Indian Railways from the last one year and had the opportunity of executing every type of work mentioned above starting from survey design to final commissioning of railways even on EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) basis as well as for allied infrastructure like electrification, signaling, service, buildings, etc.

Major Projects executed

  • Provision of limited height subway in lieu of level crossing no 11, 163, 78, 26, 35, 36 & additional ventway of road under bridge no. 31, rebuilding of distressed Br. No. 232, 13, 14, 16, 19, 32, 118, 170, 171 and reconstruction of existing arch bridge Br. No. 305 in Nanded Division.

  • Signaling arrangement in connection with proposed façade improvements and provision of telecom arrangements in connection with extension of BZA end FOB from PF2/3 to pf4 at Warangal of SC division.

  • Interlocking of existing traffic non-interlocked LC NO. 2B at KM : KOKG 23A-23B at Tondiarpet (TNP) station in MAS-GDR section of Chennai division.

Current Electrical Projects

  • OHE Modification work at Mangalore station - Palakkad Railway Division
  • OHE Modification work at OKHLA station - Delhi Railway Division
  • Commissioning of 25KV AC traction system in railways walajabad-Chengalpattu - Chennai division
  • OHE Modification work at Nagpur station - South Railway Division
  • Procurement and commissioning of digital smart energy metres in railways - Lucknow


In rural India the roads are not in a good state of condition. The degraded road are not conducive for transportation. Although we have developed the managerial expertise for improvement of the condition of the roads we also provide solution to traffic problem for the roads ultimately resulting a change.
In the southern/Eastern region of India widening roads/repair and reconstruction in rural areas is extremely important as it makes possible for new development to occur further out in the region so that we can develop the infrastructure of the region and also we can distances to the places we need to go freely and smoothly. By giving rural people facilities our economy will be developed.
We have focus on solving our traffic in urban roads congestion by repairing and improving problematic areas that already exist instead of pouring money into ineffective road projects. Money should be put toward improving congested roads and interchanges and bridges improving intersections with timed traffic lights and left turn lanes.


Investment in irrigation projects are mostly by the state governments. Irrigation investments, primarily driven by expenditure of state governments, are expected to grow by 2.6 times over the next 5 years. The progressive states in this sector are Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, which account for around 70% of the aggregate investment on irrigation by states.
Dams provide a range of economic and social benefits including flood control, water storage, irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, now we are ready to take the irrigation projects from the government like constructing water tanks, canals & canal bridges etc., as we already proven in the railway projects like constructing railway bridges in Nanded, Warangal & Chennai locations.

Building Construction

Building construction which includes commercial, residential, public, institutional and corporate buildings, mass housing projects and related infrastructure and facilities such as hospitals and shopping malls.